This is where you will get all the information I present written down. Lists of ingredients for recipes. Lists of equipment. Beer styles. All of it, in one handy place so you can print it and take your own notes as we go through the podcast and video.

The Blog

Brewing 101, Equipment Craig Little Brewing 101, Equipment Craig Little

Handy Brew Gear

There are a lot of sayings about using the right tool for the right job at the right time for good reason - they are good advice. Having the right tools and equipment can make the brew day a lot easier and help you to produce even better beer.

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Brewing 101 Craig Little Brewing 101 Craig Little

Kegging with a Syphon

We spend a lot of time selecting or developing a recipe, brewing, fermenting and conditioning. The final stage is bottling or legging. We want to reduce the contact between our beer because oxygen causes oxidisation, and in beer that comes across as wet dog.

In this case we’re looking at kegging and ways of reducing oxygen contact when you have to syphon.

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Brewing 101 Craig Little Brewing 101 Craig Little

Taking Gravity Readings

As home brewers we take gravity readings for a number of reasons:

To check our pre- and post-boil gravity - to see how close we are to our expected numbers and what our mash and brewhouse efficiencies are like.

Prior to fermentation to estimate the amount of alcohol that could potentially be produced.

After fermentation to calculate the actual amount of alcohol in the beer.

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