Hops: Vic Secret


A magnificent hop from the Australian hop breeding programme.

Vic Secret was developed in the early to mid 2000’s and released in 2013 by Hop Products Australia. It is often compared to Galaxy with slightly higher Alpha Acids and Cohumulone.

It can be used in either bittering or aroma additions. When used in the boil it has a more earthy impact, but it really shines in whirlpool and dry hop additions where it adds tropical notes of pineapple, passionfruit and grapefruit.

Vic Secret is growing in popularity world wide and popping up in more beers.

I’ve recently used it for the first time in a Hazy IPA to compliment Citra and Superdelic, adding a passionfruit note and turning the Hazy into an alcoholic fruit juice.

If you want to experiement with this hop, then it will go nicely in a variety of beers from clean crisp lagers to Hazy’s.

My Hazy IPA recipe.

The Stats

Type: Australian New World

Acids: AA 15.1-21.8%; BA 6.4-8.1%; Cohumulone: 51-56%

Oil (mL/100g): 2.1-2.8

Stage: Primarily aroma and flavour, but can be used for bittering.

Aroma/Palette: Grapefruit; pineapple; Passionfruit, Herbal, Pine.


Hops: Citra


Hops: Cascade